
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The composition of cash and how cash is presented on the balance sheet

 What exactly is cash? This may seem like a foolish question until one considers the possibilities. Cash includes coins and currency. But what about items like undeposited checks, certificates of deposit, and similar items? Generalizing, cash includes those items that are acceptable to a bank for deposit and are free from restrictions (i.e., available for use in satisfying current debts). Cash typically includes coins, currency, funds on deposit with a bank, checks, and money orders.
Items like postdated checks, certificates of deposit, IOUs, stamps, and travel advances are not classified as cash.  The existence of compensating balances (amounts that must be left on deposit and not withdrawn) should be disclosed and, if significant, reported separately from cash. Also receiving separate treatment are "sinking funds" (monies that must be set aside to satisfy debts) and restricted foreign currency holdings (that cannot easily be transferred or converted into another currency). These unique categories of funds may be reported in the long-term investments category. Some companies will report "cash and cash equivalents":
Cash Equivalent Balance Sheet Disclosure
Cash equivalents arise when companies place their cash in very short-term financial instruments that are deemed to be highly secure and will convert back into cash within 90 days (e.g., short-term government-issued treasury bills). These financial instruments are usually very marketable in the event the company has an immediate need for cash.

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